Terms and Conditions

What do we sell?

這是一張預付借記卡,每張卡都有一個 4 位數的 PIN 碼。你可以用它來支付世界各地的購物,他們接受銀聯卡、萬事達卡或維薩卡。您還可以從世界各地的自動取款機取款。


We ship worldwide including USA, Canada, Australia, Europe, South America, Asia, Africa, just anywhere.
Regular shipping — is free and is included in a card price. 5-7 days to deliver.
Express shipping — costs 20$. 2 days delivery all over the world. It comes with a tracking number.

If something bad happens we offer 100% refund if the package doesn’t come to you.

Why do we sell cards? Why don’t we cash out the cards themselves?

We do it. Just not every single one, that would be definitely too risky. It makes it easier for us to cash them out safely.
We also can’t really cash them all out, the amount of dirty money gone from the ATMs would attract some unwanted attention that could lead to a serious investigation.

How to order cards?

Select the card on the page Our cards and pay for it in the opening window. After payment write to our Telegram: @cards_hidden the transaction number and delivery address. Also now we use NULL Message: @Hidden_Cards

What are the card balances?

All cards have a balance of not less than $3500. Some of them have a balance of more than $10000, but they cost a little bit more.

How to pay?

We accept only BTC payments, to ensure the highest anonymity of both us and you. This is not negotiable.

Can a take a digital version of the card?

Yes, that is possible. We will encrypt the email and send you
the details of the card in there. In this way you will receive the dumps much faster, in up to 2 hours after we confirm the payment, to be exact.

Addition information about cards:

  • You will take a 4 point pin with the card
  • You can cash them out in every currency in the world
  • All prepaid cards should last 1-3 years
Or write to us in Telegram: @cards_hidden
NULL Message: @Hidden_Cards